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Augmented Body, Altered Mind by AlanJames Burns

Thu 15th Feb
Garter Lane Arts Centre
Free but Booking Essential
Book Here

Book your free place to experience this artwork that will be tailored to you. By wearing a small headset activated by the electricity in your brain, each experience of the artwork is unique.

Timed sessions must be booked in advance to accommodate each visitor.

Augmented Body, Altered Mind 
is a collaborative, interactive artwork that weaves a brain-computer interface with a projected audiovisual environment. The work has a particular focus on neurodivergence, the disproportionate impact of climate change on individuals with disabilities, and the unique perspectives that these communities have on climate change. By wearing a Brain-Computer Interface headset, the audience becomes immersed in evocative imagery and soundscapes as their brainwaves guide undulating, amorphous visuals and scripted audio-dialogue to shift and merge.


A black silhouette of an individual sits in front of a projected heavily textured background. The combination of the colours resemble the pool of rainbow colours following an oil spill. The iridescence illumination merges from the centre of the screen bursting outwards in asynchronous waves. In front of the seated individual is an ipad in their periphery on a stand. Credit: Augmented Body, Altered Mind by AlanJames Burns


The artwork has been co-created by AlanJames Burns (lead artist), Carys D. Coburn and Chandrika Narayanan-Mohan (writing), Michael Riordan (composition), and collective Ibragim (digital visuals).


Accessibility Description: In Augmented Body, Altered Mind, you can wear a small headset and interact with visuals and audio. The headset is activated by the electricity in your brain. Because everyone’s brain is different, each experience of the artwork is unique.

Artist’s statement: AlanJames Burns, is a neurodivergent and environmental artist and curator producing interactive, socially engaged and site-specific exhibitions. The focal points of their artistic practice are disability, climate change and the human mind. AlanJames Burns works highly collaboratively with other visual artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers and scientists through their projects. 


Adm free, but places limited; Booking highly recommended.To book: / 051 855038

This event at Garter Lane is funded by an Arts Council of Ireland Touring Award 2022 and Creative Ireland under the Creative Climate Action Strand 2: Ignite, 2023-2025.

Thu 15th Feb
Garter Lane Arts Centre
Free but Booking Essential
Book Here
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