Garter Lane Arts Centre Strategic Plan 2024 – 2029

Garter Lane is celebrating 40 years of arts provision for Waterford in 2024 and has as its mission statement to develop, promote and initiate creative activity, particularly in areas that have until now been underdeveloped. This is achieved through programming a Multidisciplinary Arts Centre on a year-round basis and partnering with a broad and widely recognised range of cultural and arts providers, organisations, individuals, and financial investors including Waterford City & County Council, the Department of Social Protection, and the Arts Council.

The Strategic Plan 2024 – 2029 is the first step in a new direction of travel for an arts centre that is representative of and advocates for a local/regional prolific, aspirational, and highly ambitious arts and culture sector.

To read the Strategic Plan in full please download via the link below.
Garter Lane Arts Centre Strategic Plan 2024-2029

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