SprÓg24 – Bath Bombs!

Wed 3rd Jul
Garter Lane Arts Centre
8 to 12 years old
Book A Place

Make your own bath bombs with local artist and maker Amy Orr.

Making your own bath bombs can be a delightful and rewarding experience, offering both scientific and sensory benefits. 

In this workshop children will learn about the chemical reaction that happens when mixing bicarbonate and citric acid with water.  They’ll get a chance to get their hands dirty by mixing the ingredients and creating their very own work of art using essential oils and Mica.  


Amy Orr founded Youme in 2019.  Over the past 5 years she’s run many talks and workshops focusing around the topic of sustainability. 

Artist: Amy Orr
Artist: Amy Orr


Wed 3rd Jul
Garter Lane Arts Centre
8 to 12 years old
Book A Place
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