SprÓg24 – Dance & Movement with Natasha Everitt

Mon 1st Jul
Garter Lane Arts Centre
4 to 7 years old
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Natasha Everitt will be hosting movement workshops for SprÓg! Focusing on creative movement, we will explore dance in our bodies and play with fun and new ways to express ourselves. Moving with a little bit of magic, lots of freedom and some fun props, we will get out of our heads and into our bodies, all while prancing and dancing to some fun, happy and creative music.

Have no fear if you don’t have a background in dance, this will be a safe space to play and explore movement in a judgement free zone, the main aim of these workshops is to feel a new rhythm in your soul and discover a new way to be in your body.

Artist: Natasha Everitt
Artist: Natasha Everitt


Mon 1st Jul
Garter Lane Arts Centre
4 to 7 years old
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