SprÓg24 – Messy Play with Eilis O’Toole

Wed 3rd Jul
Garter Lane Arts Centre
1-4 years old
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Celebrate the senses and step into this world of wonder and exploration. Engage the senses with a wide variety of colourful and engaging materials designed to ignite curiosity and creativity in this fun messy play space.

About Eilis
Eilis O’Toole is a Visual Artist and Artist Facilitator based in Co.Waterford. Eilis has many years’ experience facilitating creative projects in educational, health, and community settings. As part of the Waterford Healing Arts Team she delivers the Art Kart programme in Paediatrics in U.H.W. Having become increasingly interested the positive impact that art can have on the cognitive, creative and sensory development of babies and toddlers, Eilis has developed an Early Years Art programme which she has delivered in many public spaces such as the Butler Gallery, Kilkenny, the Garter Lane, Waterford. Eilis also has an established painting practice and her work work is in many Public Art Collections; including the OPW, AXA, and the Waterford Art Collection.

Artist: Eilis O'Toole
Artist: Eilis O’Toole


Wed 3rd Jul
Garter Lane Arts Centre
1-4 years old
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