A Little Room presents: Time Passes By Natasha Everitt

Tue 6th Aug
A Little Room - X91 ER27
Free, but booking essential
Book A Place

A Little Room, Waterford’s premiere theatre development centre,  brings us Time Passes by Natasha Everitt.

Time Passes is just that. Time passing by and how we choose to fill it.

We follow our unnamed, unreliable and somewhat uncouth narrator through her mindless day, as she drags herself from place to place with an overall sense of dissatisfaction. As she moseys around her town, we catch glimmers of an overactive imagination that are ripe with sexuality, lewd thoughts, mirth for the world around her and at times just plain boring.

Playing between the mundanity of everyday life and the highly abstract realms of imagination, Time Passes is a weaving narrative that potentially says all the things we daren’t.

Tue 6th Aug
A Little Room - X91 ER27
Free, but booking essential
Book A Place
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